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Writer: Caridad RiveraCaridad Rivera

Updated: Jun 16, 2021

We tend to like staying put in our own comfort zone. This the place we feel good, comfortable so why move to other things when I feel good here. The book of Job teaches us that Job was a servant that served God and tried to do as best he could serve God. Job went through many challenges in life. The people surrounding him could not understand why this man of God was going through such great challenges in life, BUT there is a purpose. Even if we do not understand the purpose of God, he knows what is necessary to do in your life. Let us talk about PROCESS, it produces change in our life. Nothing that has processed remains the same in their original state. Process opens the way for a new beginning, for a new and improved you. Many often we cling on to things that make us feel secure. Job was a man who trusted in God. According to the Scriptures he was pray for his children just in case they sinned against God. His children would have parties in their homes. Read (Job 1-4).

First attack against Job was his children and goods. Second attack was against his health, he got to the point he became depressed due to the situation he was facing, even his wife was against him. Third attack came in form of critics, his own friends who judged him stating he sinned and needed to repent. Many often we are quick to point the finger because like Job’s friends we cannot understand why any servant of God would go through such difficult situation and it is easier to say maybe you have sinned?

To continue reading this short commentary in my book "Short Commentaries" Book 2 bilingual. Available soon at Amazon.


Muy a menudo tendemos a quedarnos en la zona de comodidad. Ese lugar donde nos sentimos bienvenidos, confortable así que para que movernos cuando nos sentimos bien. El libro de Job nos ensena que Job era un siervo de Dios y un hombre que esforzaba en hacerlo lo mejor que pudiera. Job paso por muchos retos y situaciones difíciles en la vida. La gente alrededor no podía entender porque este hombre de Dios estaba pasando por estas situaciones en la vida, PERO había un propósito. Aun cuando no entendemos el propósito de Dios, él sabe lo que es necesario hacer en tu vida. Hablemos de PROCESO, produce cambios in tu vida. Nada que ha sido procesado se mantiene igual o estado original. Proceso abre el camino para un nuevo comienzo, para un mejor tu. Muchas veces nos agarramos de las cosas que nos hacen sentir seguro. Job era un hombre que confiaba en Dios. De acuerdo con las Escrituras, el oraba por sus hijos por si habían pecado contra Dios. Sus hijos hacían fiestas en sus casas. Leer (Job 1-4).

Primer ataque contra Job fueron sus hijos y bienes. Segundo ataque contra su salud, llego al punto de estar deprimido por la situación que enfrentaba. Tercer ataque las críticas de sus propios amigos que le juzgaban diciendo este ha pecado y necesita arrepentirse. Muchas veces somos rápido para apuntar el dedo porque como los amigos de Job no entendemos el porque un siervo de Dios pasa por dificultades y es más fácil creer que hay algún pecado.

Para continuar leyendo este corto pensamiento en mi libro " Corto Pensamientos" Libro 2 bilingue. Disponible pronto en Amazon.


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