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Writer: Caridad RiveraCaridad Rivera

Updated: Jun 16, 2021

How wonderful, the Lord has given us a new year! So many plans to make, so many things to expect but above all, let us hold on to the love of God towards us. We have gone through trials and situations that for some took us by surprise last year. Maybe you thought you would never be able to continue. We hoped for the better and some of us got the better but for some it was the opposite. Through the struggle you learned that you became a stronger, wiser person and that your able to stand in the mist of the storm you confronted. Let us start a new year without bitterness and anger from last year. Look unto what God has for you in this new year and in the future. Remember that through it all, God remains with you when others have gone.

To continue reading this short commentary in my book "Short Commentaries" Book 1 bilingual. Available at Amazon.


Que hermoso, el Señor nos ha dado un nuevo año, tantos planes para hacer, tantas cosas para hacer, pero sobre todo agarrémonos del amor de Dios. Algunos hemos pasado por tribulaciones y circunstancias que nos tomó de sorpresa en el año pasado, otros lo pasaron bien. Atreves de la lucha aprendimos hacer personas más fuertes y nos paramos firme a pesar de las tormentas confrontadas. Abracemos un nuevo año sin amargura, enojos los cuales pasamos en el año pasado. Miremos hacia lo que Dios tiene en el futuro recordando que atreves de todo Dios sigue con nosotros aun cuando otros se han ido.

Para continuar leyendo este corto pensamiento en mi libro "Corto Pensamientos" Libro 1 bilingue. Disponible en Amazon.

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